9: Portrait of the Alcoholic with Withdrawal

9: Portrait of the Alcoholic with Withdrawal
Portrait of the Alcoholic with Withdrawal
by Kaveh Akbar
everyone wants to know
what I saw on the long walk
away from you
I couldn't eat
and didn't sleep
for an entire week
I can hardly picture any of it now
save the fox I thought
was in the grass but wasn't
I remember him quiet
as a telescope
tiny as a Plutonian moon
everything else
was wilding around us
the sky and the wind
the riptides and
the rogue comet
blasting toward earth
do you remember this
I introduced myself
by one of the names
I kept back then
the fox was so still
I could have called him anything
"Portrait of the Alcoholic with Withdrawal" from "Calling a Wolf a Wolf" by Kaveh Akbar. Copyright © 2017 Alice James Books.